Food is my passion. I find my inspiration in everyday life and LOVE to cook and create for family and friends. I'm a classically trained chef, but prefer to cook from the heart. Food adventures and experiments of a classically trained chef and hopeful journalist. Enjoy. - Jamie Wolff

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

BBQ Veggie Pizza

This pizza is a low calorie veggie delight.  Please don't ask me just how low calorie it is, I'm no scientist.  I'm calling it low calorie because it has very little cheese, no greasy meats and loads of vegetables. 

Start with the crust of your choice, if you make your own a thin to medium crust works well.  So does a whole grain crust. (need a recipe? check out my previous blog Pizza! Pizza!) This time around I skipped the home made crust and used some fresh naan from my local grocery store.  This is a great quick fix if your craving pizza and are short on time or need a small serving.  For the toppings I roasted a head of garlic and used that as my first topping (not the whole head, just a couple cloves smeared over the crust).  Followed by a light brushing of BBQ sauce.  Next I sauteed some sliced zucchini, mushrooms, asparagus and cherry tomatoes.  They topped the BBQ.  Finally I caramelized a small onion and added that to my vegetable delight.  A light sprinkle of Parmesan cheese before placing it in a pre heated oven.  400 degrees until the crust is crisp and cheese is melted.  Shouldn't take more than 10 -12 minutes.  Yummo!  This pizza was so tasty it is taking alot of effort to not make it over and over, but instead try out some of my other ideas. 


  1. I am going to make this soon.

  2. p.s. I know the crust recipies I put up are a little time consuming...feel free to use a premade crust. If you look for it, you can usually find the raw dough at your local grocier and then you can at least roll it out to your desired thicken / size. Trader Joe's has a great raw pizza dough, you can find it near the cheeses.
