Food is my passion. I find my inspiration in everyday life and LOVE to cook and create for family and friends. I'm a classically trained chef, but prefer to cook from the heart. Food adventures and experiments of a classically trained chef and hopeful journalist. Enjoy. - Jamie Wolff

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Creme Brulee

Creme Brulee, always a favorite of mine, and not just because its delicious but because you get to play with a blow torch when making it.  Just like the Sabayon, you most likely already have everything you need in your kitchen.  Minus the blow torch of coarse but we can work around that.  Here's what you need:

6 egg yolks
3oz sugar
24 oz heavy cream
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp vanilla

extra sugar for the tops (granulated, raw or brown sugar)

Whisk together the egg yolks and sugar, then add vanilla.  On the stove top quickly scald (bring to the point right before boil) the cream.  Remove from heat and slowly whisk into the egg mixture.  Add the salt.  Pour mixture into ramekins (ceramic works best but you can also buy disposable foil ones) and place ramekins in a bain marie (pan filled with water 3/4 the way up the side of the ramekin dishes).  Bake at 300 in a NON-convection oven.  The time will vary depending on the size of your ramekins.  Start with 30 mins for a 6oz ramekin, it shouldn't take more than one hour for this size dish or one similar.  They will be done when they are set in the middle.  You can check with a toothpick or by very gently shaking the dish to see if the center is set.  Remove from the bain marie and cool.  It is best to let them refrigerate over night.  When ready smooth a thin layer of your choice of sugar across the top of the custard.  If you have a blow torch move the flame in a steady circular motion over the sugar, you want a light brown caramelized crust.  Don't let it burn or all your hard work will be ruined with a bitter taste, literally.  If you don't have a torch you can set your oven to a high broil and place the sugar lined ramekins under the high heat, watch them closely, it wont take more than a few seconds to get the desired crust. 

And now the best part, eating it.  Take the back of your spoon and give the sugar shell a good 'whack'.  If it's done properly it will shatter like glass. 

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