Food is my passion. I find my inspiration in everyday life and LOVE to cook and create for family and friends. I'm a classically trained chef, but prefer to cook from the heart. Food adventures and experiments of a classically trained chef and hopeful journalist. Enjoy. - Jamie Wolff

Monday, December 27, 2010

Cumin and Garlic Crusted Tilapia

I've just realized that everything I've posted recently has been about dessert!  High fat, high calorie, high flavor desserts!  Time to cut the calories, chocolate and whipped cream.  Get ready for an overdoes of fruits, vegetables and low fat fish. 

Golden Tilapia served over a Garden Cous Cous Salad with orange semprmes and Aoli

lets start with the Tilapia.  Here's what you'll need.

1 filet of Tilapia (or other mild white fish)
1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
1 egg
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon garlic
salt and pepper to taste

season the fish with salt and pepper and dip in the egg.  mix together panko and seasoning, coat fish in mixture.  Bake 10-12 mins until fish flakes easily and crust is golden brown.

While your fish cooks start your cous cous salad. 

1/2 cup cous cous
1/2 cup  boiling water (check the label on your cous cous for water to grain ratio)
1/2 small onion, diced
handful of spinach
1/4 cup peas
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper

The best part about a garden salad is that you can pick your garden.  For this go-round I used onion, spinach, peas and chives. (If using other vegetables cook necessary veggies until al dente)  Saute onions, spinach and seasoning add cous cous and gently toast, and water and peas, cover and remove from heat.  

Orange Aioli

3 egg yolks
3/4 cup olive oil
1 orange
*this is best done in a mixer

gently beat the egg yolks and drizzle in the oil in a slow steady stream, once the mixture starts to come together and before your out of the oil, squeeze in 1/2 the orange juice then finish drizzling in the oil.  Finally zest the orange and stir into mixture.  Your final product will resemble and thin mayonnaise. 

serve the fish on top of the cous cous salad and drizzle your Aioli over everything.  Add a couple orange slices to the plate for a zing of fresh flavor and of coarse the added nutrients and vitamins. 

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